Keith Maddy

In our modern era of digital media, there are endless possibilities for producing imagery of any kind. Maddy, meticulously cutting and pasting, is indifferent to all that. As a child, colouring books full of characters caught still in motion were a retreat from the outside world to an inner sanctuary of unfettered imagination where play, adventure, and the joyful act of colouring and mark making were intertwined. As an artist, this place inspires him to delve deeper, deconstructing and transforming the material into the creation of new work, equally exuberant and uniquely contemporary. In doing so, he humbly embraces previous generations of Masters inserting and challenging contemporary art of their time with the cutting edge of paper.


Maddy holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts w/Distinction from Massachusetts College of Art & Design and is represented in the U.S. by Howard Yezerski Gallery. He has been published internationally, recognized by the International Art Critics Association, won numerous grants recognizing his unique style and works out of the National Landmark, Fenway Studios in Boston. Maddy holds an extensive exhibition record and his work is in private collections internationally including Fidelity and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.